Merħba għal din il-websajt!

Il-130 Fiera ta’ Canton se ssir online u offline bejn il-15 u d-19 ta’ Ottubru.

Kumpanija tagħna se tipparteċipa fil-wirja onlajn u offline.
In-numru tal-kabina onlajn tagħna huwa GI03
In-numru tal-kabina offline tagħna huwa 10.3E46


The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct1
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct2
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct3
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct4
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct5

Ħin tal-post: Ottubru-16-2021